Refunding from the Scheduler

Manage Refunds from the Expanded Scheduler

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Issue a refund from the admin scheduler.

  • Use Cases: System users can issue refunds when it is not possible to reschedule reservations. From the Transactions table, system users can also track payments, funds owed, and refunds.

This article shows system users how to issue refunds from the admin scheduler. There are other ways to issue refunds:

  1. Manually issue refunds from the TRANSACTIONS > REFUNDS page.

  2. Manually issue refunds caused by a closure (court or event).

  3. Manually issue refunds from a member's user page.

  4. Configure settings to auto-approve refund requests.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SCHEDULERS > EXPANDED.

Locate a booking. Hover the mouse on the i icon and then click the View Transactions icon.

The Transactions table displays. It shows payment details for each player on the booking, including paid or unpaid amounts. To refund money already paid by a player for a booking, click a link in the Transaction Date column.

On the next page, review the details and click the Refund button.

On the Refund page, click the Refund Destination field and select an option. Optionally, add a note, which CourtReserve adds to the email notification, and then Click Save. Click

Refund destinations

If a fee was paid in cash, by check, or balance from the member's account, system users could refund back to cash or the account balance. Credit card refunds can be back to the credit card, balance, or cash. If the player paid with a package punch, CourtReserve adds the punch to the package balance.

Close the next window and refresh the page. CourtReserve adds the refund transaction to the table. Repeat the steps to refund more payments.


Players can confirm refunds on the member portal. Click the account icon and select Billing > Transactions.

On the Transactions page, click the ALL tab. Go to the Type column and look for Refund.

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