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Generate a Membership Status Report
Generate a Membership Status Report

Quickly Access Club Membership Data

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Track club performance by reviewing important stats, like the number of memberships by status as well as new and lost members.

  • Use Cases: System users can review table data, click links to explore stats in detail, and export data (Excel sheet or PDF).


Create a membership type.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click MEMBERSHIPS. A new page displays.

  3. Click the Membership Status Report tab.

Reviewing the data

The table shows data for each membership type in the club. System users can use the radio buttons to modify the data display.

Family Membership Count Type - Use these options to change the way family membership data is presented in the table.

  • Individual Family Members - Select this option to count each member of a Family as an individual unit. For example, if there are 5 families, each with 4 individuals, the table displays 20 in the Family Membership line.

  • Family Unit - Choose this option to count the number of families and not the number of people who belong to families. For example, if there are 5 families, each with 4 individuals, the table displays 5 in the Family Membership line.

New/Lost Count Type - Use these options to switch between unique members and member purchases in the NEW IN LAST and LOST IN LAST columns.

  • Unique Members + NEW IN LAST - These columns show the number of first-time club members (i.e. they did not have a previous membership).

  • Unique Members + LOST IN LAST - These columns show the number of first-time club members who no longer have an assigned membership type (e.g. their membership was canceled, they did not reactivate, or their membership type changed).

  • Membership Purchases + NEW IN LAST - These columns show the number of people who are new to this membership type. This data does not consider their past history.

  • Membership Purchases + LOST IN LAST - These columns show the number of people who changed their membership type or canceled their membership.

Other Columns

  • Active - The number of active members by membership type.

  • Upcoming - The number of memberships that are inactive now but will become active at a future date. If a member has an Active and Upcoming membership, they are counted in both columns.

  • Suspended - The number of suspended memberships.

  • Expired - The number of memberships that are past due, have not been renewed, or changed to another category.

  • Lapsed - The number of canceled memberships.


Each data point in the main table (excluding zeros) has a link that opens a list of member names. Use the links to drill down on the data and explore member data in depth. Each name in the list links to that person's CourtReserve profile page on, so system users can easily access a profile for further investigation.


Click the Export button on the main table to download a file (Excel sheet or PDF). The Export button on the list page downloads an Excel sheet.

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