Creating Sub-Admin Users

Give Users Limited Access to the Platform

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated this week


  • Feature Summary: Create system users with customizable permissions.

  • Use Cases: Admins grant limited access to platform features and tools by assigning sub-admin permissions to one or more users. This gives designated club staff an appropriate degree of managerial authority while securing platform integrity.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SETTINGS. A new page displays.

  3. Go to the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS heading and click System Users. A new page displays.

Creating a sub-admin user

  1. Go to the System Users page and select the Sub-Admins tab.

  2. Click the Create Sub-Admin button.

  3. Fill in the required form fields.

  4. Click Save.

  • Make sure the is Sub-Admin box is checked. If the is Admin box is checked, CourtReserve hides all Sub-admin fields.

  • Check the box if this user is an instructor.

If the is Instructor box is checked, CourtReserve displays new form fields. Click here to learn how to fill in the instructor fields.

  • Check the box if this user is a coordinator.

Click here to learn more about the coordinator role and permissions settings.


Scroll through the list of permissions. Disabled is the default setting for all options. Check a box to enable a permission.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page to configure Scheduler settings.

  • Check the box to enable the Disable Drag & Drop On Courts Schedulers tool.

When enabled, the sub-admin user can use a drag-and-drop tool to move blocks of time on the calendar. It's a time-saving feature that lets the user quickly change the start and end times of a lesson or event with a mouse. System users might want to disable the feature for some users if they accidentally move reservations, lessons, or events or unintentionally adjust start/end times from the scheduler.

By default, the sub-admin user can see all Schedulers. To customize this setting, click the Scheduler(s) Visibility field and select an option: Specific Scedulers(s) or None.

  • If the system user selects Specific Scheduler(s), CourtReserve displays a new field. Click the field and select one or more schedulers.

  • Confirm the is Active status. Uncheck the box to disable this admin user.

Editing Notification settings

After the system user creates a sub-admin user account and clicks Save, CourtReserve displays the End User page. System users can review and update email notification settings for the admin user.

Click the Notifications tab to review the list of options. By default, all options are enabled. When one of these events occurs, CourtReserve sends the sub-admin an email message. Optionally, uncheck a box to disable one or more notifications.

There is no Save button on the Notifications page. The platform saves all changes automatically.


Watch a video and learn about creating admins, sub-admins, and instructors.

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