Rescheduling an Event Date

Move an Event to a Different Day or Time

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated this week


  • Feature Summary: System users can change the date and time of an event or part of a multi-day event.

  • Use Cases: Rescheduling helps club managers respond to unexpected changes or small emergencies (e.g. court closures caused by a storm) without issuing refunds to members/players.



The first step is to locate the Reschedule (calendar) icon for an event that needs to be updated. There are two methods. The best method depends on the system user's workflow:

  • Starting from the dashboard, open the Events page.

  • Starting the Closures page, open the Edit Closure page.

From the dashboard

  1. Go to the side menu and EVENTS > LIST. A new page displays.

  2. Locate an event on the table and click the ID number. A panel opens.

  3. Locate the date that needs to change and click the calendar icon.

From the Closures page

  1. Open the Edit Closure page

  2. Go to the Affected Reservations table and locate the event with a closure conflict.

  3. Click the calendar icon.

Rescheduling a date

After the system user clicks the calendar icon, the platform opens the Event Date Reschedule popup window. Use the calendar to change the date and, optionally, add a note. Click Save.


On the Events page, CourtReserve shows the event's new date (with a warning icon to indicate a manual change) and the number of registrants. The table also shows the canceled date with a Canceled status and zero registrants.

  • On the Edit Closure page, CourtReserve removes the conflict from the Affected Registrants table.


CourtReserve sends each event registrant an email notification about the schedule change.

The member portal displays current event information.

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