Configuring Point of Sale Settings

Configure the Settings page of the Point of Sale menu.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated today


  • Feature Summary: Configure advanced POS settings. Customize the POS Screen Display and Create Discount Buttons.

  • Use Cases: Systems users can hide product quantity information on the POS menu, block suspended/inactive members from charging items to their club account, customize POS payment methods, and create discount buttons.


System users know how to launch the POS and process a transaction.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click POINT OF SALES > SETTINGS.

On the next page:

  1. Configure settings. (see below)

  2. Click Save changes.

Configuring settings

  • Hide Qty-on-Hand on Point of Sale Screen - If checked, the POS screen hides quantity information as well as Out of Stock and Low Stock tags.

  • Do Not Allow Suspended or Inactive Members to Charge POS Items - If checked, CourtReserve stops members with a suspended or inactive membership status from charging POS transactions to their club account.

  • Allowed Payment Types - Use the checkboxes to enable or disable a POS payment method. Credit card is the only default payment method.

Creating a discount button

Use this feature to create a pre-selected discount amount option at the checkout (e.g. 10% discount for club employees).

Click the green Add Discount button.

On the popup:

  1. Enter a discount rate.

  2. Give the button a name.

  3. Click Save.

CourtReserve adds the button to the table. Repeat steps to create additional buttons.


The POS discount button displays when club staff (admins and sub-admins with permissions) click the Discount button in the Shopping Cart window.

In the Add Discount window:

  1. Click the discount button. The POS automatically calculates the new pre-tax price for this purchase.

  2. Click Save.

The Shopping Cart window shows the full retail price, the amount of the discount, and the total price, including tax (if applicable).

The POS applies the discount to one item at a time and not the cart as a whole. If the shopping cart has multiple items, the system user must repeat the steps for each product separately.

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