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League Ranking Algorithm: 1-up/1-down
League Ranking Algorithm: 1-up/1-down
Kim Lehman avatar
Written by Kim Lehman
Updated over a week ago

More information on how the 1-up/1-down Ranking Algorithm is calculated

Moving Up and Down in Rank: Players are re-ranked each week according to the match outcomes using these rules:

  1. After play, the 4 players in your group will be ranked from 1 to 4, depending on the accumulative score of all 3 games.

  2. If you finish first in your group, you move ahead of the player finishing last in the group just above your group.

  3. The #1 ranked player must play or be bumped to #2. The winner of group 1 will be the new #1 ranked player.

  4. Any player who is a “No Show” will be recorded as finishing last in his/her group.

  5. No inactive player can move above an active player.

Explanation of Rule 5: When active players lose and go down in rank, inactive players below them get moved down as well. This rule deliberately encourages participation and may penalize inactivity. ACTIVE players are assured that no INACTIVE player can move from below them to above them in rank regardless of what they do. At the same time INACTIVE players must realize there is nowhere to go but down if they are unable to play. Notice how the three inactive players in the example below all fall between one and four spots in rank.

Example of Ranking Procedures

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