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League Ranking Algorithm: Points Won %
League Ranking Algorithm: Points Won %

League related: Ranking Algorithm Type: Points Won Percentage

Oswin Konarske avatar
Written by Oswin Konarske
Updated over a week ago

More information on how the Points Won % Ranking Algorithm is calculated.

Moving Up and Down in Rank: Players are re-ranked each week according to the match outcomes using their points earned divided by the total possible points. They will move up and down based on their Overall Points Won Percentage.

Total Points: Players earn points based on their performance in matches. The total points a player can earn in a session is predetermined by the rotations and score limit. The more game days the player participates in, the more total points.
​For Example: If in a 4 person rotation type, a player plays 1 rotation to 15. They can earn up to 45 points per game day. If they play again next week, their total possible points will move up to 90.

Point Percentage: Point Percentage is calculated by dividing the total points earned by a player by the maximum possible points they could have earned.

​For Example: If we have a 4 person Rotation type with 2 rotations to 11. The total possible points would be 66. If one player wins all 6 of their matches in this case, they would have a 100% Points Won Percentage for the day.

Important: Admins will have the ability to manually adjust the rankings. Currently there is no penalty system for a player that does not attend a game day. A player could attend one event and have a perfect score, then never attend another event. This would leave them at a 100% Points won and they would stay at the number 1 slot. We would encourage full attendance or manually lowering a players ranking for missing game day sessions.

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