Set Up and Organize Items

Create a List of Products for Sale on the POS

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create products for the Point of Sale (POS) add-on.

  • Use Cases: System users add or update product information managed by the POS feature. Add product descriptions, track inventory, customize item display on the POS page, and more.


Enable the POS feature and know how to create Item Categories.


Opening the Create Item page

To create an item, there are two starting points.

System users can create items from the Item Categories page:

  1. Select a category row.

  2. Click the Create Item button.

Or, from the admin dashboard:

  1. Go to the side menu.

  2. Click POINT OF SALE.

  3. Click the Create Item button.

Creating items

  1. Open the Create Item page.

  2. Fill in the fields. (see below)

  3. Click Save.

Form fields

  • Item Name - Enter a unique product name.

  • Short Name - Enter a short name that is easy to recognize. This name displays on the POS page if the product does not have an image.

  • Text / Background colors - Change the default settings on the POS page.

  • Category - Click the field and select an Item Category.

  • Unit Cost - Enter the wholesale cost of the product. (optional)

  • Retail Price - Enter the price paid by customers.

  • Tax Rate(s) - Click the field and select a tax rate option (if enabled).

  • Revenue Category - Click the field and select a category option (if enabled).


  • Track Stock - If this box is checked, CourtReserve displays two hidden fields. (see below)

  • Stock On-Hand - Enter the current inventory quantity for this item. This field is hidden unless the system user checks the Track Stock box.

  • Stock On-Hand Alert - When inventory reaches this number, a red dot appears under REPORTS > REORDER STOCK. This field is hidden unless the system user checks the Track Stock box.

  • UPC - Enter the Universal Product Code for this item.

  • Item Image - Upload a product image. (optional)

  • Description - Add product details. (optional)

  • Discontinued - Check the box if this item is no longer available, but keep a record of the product in the system.

System users can create variations (e.g. large, medium, small) for each item. Click here to learn more.

Managing the table

  1. Click Export to download an .xlsx file of the table data.

  2. Click Add Variation to add similar items with different qualities (e.g. large, medium, small). Click here to learn more.

  3. Click Edit to update product information.

  4. Click Delete to remove the product from the POS.

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