Booking Settings: Costs

Create Customized Costs for Peak Times and Membership Types

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users create unique court and equipment charges tailored to membership types.

  • Use Cases: Configuring custom costs is an effective strategy to maximize club revenue by creating tiered pricing for peak and low-demand blocks of time. System users can also establish custom fees for non-club members.

The BOOKING SETTINGS section has several pages. This article describes the Costs page.

Click a link to learn about the other options:


System users need a clear understanding of the club's booking rules and regulations. The price paid by members to use club facilities can be influenced by settings on the Reservation Types pages, so be sure to review those configurations while setting costs.


The first step is to open the Costs page.

  1. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  2. Scroll down the page to BOOKING SETTINGS and click Costs.

  3. Use the three menu tabs (Court Costs, Custom Court Costs, and Custom Guest Costs) to enter customized costs. (see below)

  4. Click Save Changes.

Configuring Court Costs

Click the Court Costs tab (if not already open) to add or edit price information.

CourtReserve automatically transfers cost information on the Court Costs tab to the relevant fields on membership cost pages.

Enter price information for each court and ball machine and then click Save Changes. Optionally, enter a price in the ITEM column to quickly set the same price for each membership type.

In most cases, system users will leave the default Hourly setting. The fixed price option is better suited for other types of facilities (e.g. meeting rooms or halls).

Configuring Custom Court Costs

Click this tab to enter custom prices for specific times of day, reservation types, and membership types.

Select a membership type and click the Add New button, or go to the ITEM column to create the same custom cost for each membership type.

Fill in the fields and click Save.

  • Custom Cost Name - Enter a unique name for the cost.

  • Membership(s) - Apply the cost to one or more membership types. (Only visible if the system user works from the ITEM column.

  • Court Type - Choose one or more facilities for this custom cost.

  • Day of the week - Choose the calendar day. Optionally, select Weekdays or Weekends.

  • Start / End time - Use the drop-down menu to create a block of time for the custom cost.

  • Reservation Type - Select an option on the drop-down menu. The default setting is All.

  • Cost - Enter the fee for this custom charge. Hourly is the default setting.

Managing costs

Click the pencil icon to edit the detail or the trash icon to delete a membership type custom cost.

Error message

When creating a rule on the Custom Court Costs page, the system user might see an error message (red text in the below screenshot). This message displays when a new custom cost rule conflicts with an existing rule. The cause of the conflict is usually overlapping time periods.

To resolve the conflict, look for overlapping time periods on this page. If that does not resolve the problem, go to the Memberships page, open the appropriate membership type, and click the Costs tab. Look for a line entry under the Court Cost Customizations heading. A customized cost here may be the cause of the conflict. Remove or edit the rule to remove the conflict.

Note CourtReserve does not transfer custom costs on the membership type page to the Booking Settings > Costs page.

Custom Guests Costs

System users can create separate fees for walk-in guests (not registered on the club platform) invited by club members/players. To enable this fee, system users must first open the Reservation Types page. Locate an activity type (e.g. Singles) and click the Edit button.

Scroll down to the Allow Guest(s)? heading and check the box. A new field displays. Check the Allow Guest(s) on Member Portal box and then click Save. Enter a value into Guest Fee field. This becomes the default fee if no unique prices are added to the Custom Guests Costs page. (see below)

  • If the system user stops here, CourtReserve allows members/players to add a guest when booking a court time (by reservation type, if permissions are granted) and charges the default Guest Fee.

To configure tailored fees for specific membership types and times of the day, return to the Custom Guests Costs tab. Fill in the fields (same options as above) and then click Save.

In this example, the same custom guest fee applies to all membership types.


The screenshot below shows the confirmation window for a court booking on the member portal. Because of the custom cost rule for this block of time, the price charged to the guest is the custom fee (see above) and not the default fee.

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