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Creating Memberships
Creating a Guest/Non-Member Membership
Creating a Guest/Non-Member Membership

This video shows our recommendations, as well as the initial setup, for having a 'guest' or Non-Member membership at your club.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago

Many times an organization needs to add a Guest or Non-Member Membership in order to let people come in and sign up for events, classes or clinics or even just pay for court rentals.

Setup determines what you want them to be able to access and sign up for.

Once you create the new Membership go to the General Tab and make sure its active.

Under Membership Price tab usually there is no membership fee.

Under the Reservations Rules Tab usually they are not allowed to book courts but you can decide these perimeters based on your organization.

If you do allow court bookings then add those costs here under the Costs tab.

Booking Windows tab would allow you to set up time perimeters for when they can book if you allow them too.

The Portal Settings Tab has a lot to consider:

If you want this Membership to be one that the Public can see and choose then check the box Is Public. If you only want this membership to be something you assign then don't make it public.

Require Payment when Booking Courts Online means when they book a court they will have 15 minutes to pay for their reservation or it will be cancelled.

Require Payment Profile means your organization is requiring a credit card or ECheck to be store on their CourtReserve account for use as payment.

Don't Allow Member to Cancel Membership takes away their ability to cancel their membership and then have to call your organization to get them a new membership.

Additional Features shows up on their member details and gives information about the benefits or requirements of having this membership.

If you make this "Membership" public they can sign up on your website or your Welcome Page.

Video below goes into detail about this set up.

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