Private Schedulers

Limit Scheduler Access to One System User

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Enable strict access to a custom scheduler.

  • Use Cases: If a system user enables this feature, the custom scheduler is only accessible to that person. No other admin (or visitor on the member portal) can see access this scheduler.


Know how to create a custom scheduler.


  1. Locate a custom scheduler.

  2. Open the Edit Custom Scheduler page.

  3. Check the Is Private box.

  4. Click Save.

After the system user checks the Is Private box, CourtReserve disables the Show On Member Portal and Show On Admin Side settings (if enabled) and then hides those checkboxes.


Only the system user that created this private custom scheduler can see the scheduler on the platform. CourtReserve displays a lock icon next to the name of each private scheduler in the SCHEDULERS panel on the side menu.

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