Overview: Reservation Settings

Configure Reservation Settings and Optimize the User Experience

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Learn about the Reservation Settings features.

  • Use Cases: Manage bookings, create fees, add disclosures, and more.


Reservation Types - These booking categories are the backbone of the reservation system. System users can create custom types (e.g. squash court, pool, etc.) based on club preferences.

Custom Fields - Create custom fields to collect important booking information (e.g. a player's T-shirt size or racquet size).

Misc Fees - Create a category of fees (e.g. racquet rental) to be paid by players and members for club services or products.

Disclosures - Create disclosures and attach them to reservations.

Waivers & Agreements - Clubs can require members/players to sign waivers and/or membership agreements.

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