Recurring Reservations and Lessons

Create a Series of Bookings for Members on the Expanded Scheduler

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create a recurring court booking or lesson.

  • Use Cases: System users can add a series of bookings to the Expanded (or Consolidated) scheduler that repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or on a custom schedule.

Members cannot set up recurring reservations on the member portal. System users can create these recurring reservations on behalf of a member.


System users must know how to use the Expanded scheduler to create court bookings and lessons.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SCHEDULER > EXPANDED on the side menu.

  3. Create a court booking or lesson.

  4. Confirm the start date and times.

  5. Click the Recurrence field and select an option on the drop-down menu.

  6. Configure the settings. (see below)

  7. Complete the form fields and then save.


To set a daily schedule, the system user selects:

  • Every X days (e.g. enter 1 for every day of the week or 2 for every other day of the week), or

  • Every Weekday.

To set the last day of the series, the system user can:

  • count the number of court/lesson days and stop after X dates, or

  • use the calendar icon to set the last day of the recurring court/lesson.

Optionally, click the Exception Dates field and select one or more dates between the start and end when the court/lesson won't take place.


Set the schedule to repeat every X number of weeks (e.g. enter the number 1 to repeat every week or 2 to repeat every other week).

  • Use the checkboxes to select one or more days of the week.

  • Set the end of the series and add exception dates as needed (see the Daily description above for details).


Set the schedule to repeat every X months (e.g. enter the number 1 to repeat every month or 2 to repeat every other month).

Set the day of the booking/lesson:

  • enter a calendar date (e.g. the second of every month), or

  • use drop-down menus to set the day of the week (e.g. the first Monday of the month).

Set the end of the series and add exception dates as needed (see the Daily description above for details).


Select the Custom option and then click dates on the calendar to select booking/lesson dates.

Fees and conflicts

When a system user creates recurring court bookings or lessons, CourtReserve automatically updates fees and reports scheduling conflicts, if any.

To see conflict details, click the Conflicts link. The popup window shows the details. System users can use this information to make the required changes (e.g. change a day, time, or court) to resolve the conflict.

Editing one or more bookings in a series

To edit all (or some) of the recurring bookings or lessons in a series:

  1. Go to the Expanded scheduler and locate a reservation.

  2. Hover over the reservation and click the i icon.

  3. Click the Edit icon in the popup window.

In the popup window, choose an option:

  • This occurrence - Update this date but do not change any other dates in the series.

  • This and following occurrences - Update this date and all future dates in the series.

  • The entire series - Update every date in the series (past and upcoming dates).

Deleting reservations

To delete all (or some) of the recurring bookings or lessons in a series:

  1. Go to the Expanded scheduler and locate a reservation.

  2. Hover over the reservation and click the i icon.

  3. Click the Edit icon in the popup window.

In the popup window, click The entire series.

On the next page, scroll to the bottom and click Delete. In the Reservation Delete popup, add a reason (optional) and click Delete. CourtReserve removes the reservations from the Expanded scheduler and member portal.

Optionally, the system user can use the checkboxes to delete some of the reservations.


System users can confirm a recurring court booking or lesson on the admin side.

  1. Go to the side menu and select RESERVATIONS > LIST.

  2. On the next page, select the Courts or Lessons tab.

  3. Set the From and To dates to narrow the display results.

  4. Scroll through the list and confirm the dates.


CourtReserve displays recurring bookings on the member portal. To see the schedule, a member clicks their account name and selects My Reservations. The table shows court bookings and lessons.

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