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Calculate Reservation Fees Based on Membership
Calculate Reservation Fees Based on Membership

Generate reservation fees for each member added to a reservation

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated today


  • Feature Summary: Fees are automatically assigned to each player.

  • Use Cases: System users can configure the platform to auto-assign costs to each player on a reservation.


System users must set court costs for each membership type. Go to the side menu, select SETTINGS > BOOKING SETTINGS, and then click the Costs icon. Set court costs for each membership type and click Save.


Enable this feature at the reservation type level. Repeat the steps below for each reservation type, as required.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS > RESERVATION SETTINGS on the side menu.

  3. Click the Reservation Types icon. A new page displays.

Locate a reservation type on the table and click the Edit button.

Scroll down the page to the Reservation Fee Responsibility heading. Check the radio circle next to Each Player based on Membership.


2 members

After the system user configures these settings, the platform assigns separate costs to each member listed on the booking. In the screenshot below, CourtReserve creates a bill for the reservation owner (i.e. Jenny Jones). That bill excludes the fee for the other player (a club member).

  • CourtReserve automatically adds the separate fee to the other member's account.

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