Configure Player Notifications

Enable and Disable Member Email, Text, and Push Messages

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Manage notification settings for players.

  • Use Cases: System users can review notification options and configure global settings for players. System users can also configure notification settings at the individual player level.


Email notifications are enabled by default. Text and Push notifications are optional paid add-ons. To enable Text and Push notifications, go to SETTINGS > ADD-ONS and click the Manage Add-Ons icon.


Configuring global settings

Follow these steps to configure global system user settings for email, text, and push notifications.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS > NOTIFICATIONS on the side menu.

  3. Click the Player icon.

On the next page, click the Player Notifications tab.

The table shows three types of notifications: Email, Text, and Push.

Each type of notification has two columns: Active and Subscribed.

  • If Active is checked, CourtReserve generates the notification when the appropriate trigger fires. Each player can opt in or out of this notification (see below). The default setting for all users is Subscribed.

  • If Active is not checked, CourtReserve does not generate this notification, and players cannot opt in.


When a player logs into the member portal, CourtReserve displays a Text Message opt-in pop-up. By default, the page enables all text message alerts.

CourtReserve displays this popup on the member portal until the player saves a decision.

The player has two options:

  • Leave one or both boxes checked, which means the player agrees to receive marketing and/or organization alerts.

  • Check the box to opt out of all text message notifications.

If the player agrees to opt in and receive one or both text message types, they must check the box to agree to the disclosure. The player clicks SAVE to record their decision on the platform.

If the player opts in and has the CourtReserve app on their mobile device, they can receive text alerts, like confirmation of a booking.

Opting out (or in)

A player can stop receiving email/text and push notifications by configuring settings on the member portal.

  1. Log in to the member portal.

  2. Click the account link.

  3. Select Personal Information.

  4. Click the Notifications tab.

  5. Check one or more boxes to unsubscribe from notifications.

To opt in, the player checks one or more boxes.


System users can review and configure opt-in settings for individual players.

  1. Click Members on the side panel and search for a name.

  2. Locate a name and click the pencil icon.

  3. Click the Notifications tab.

The above screenshot shows this player decided to opt in and receive text messages. Some cells in the Text Subscribed column are blank. These notifications were disabled by a system user for all players at the system level.

If a player opts out of all text message notifications, CourtReserve displays the word UNSUBSCRIBED in the Text column and greys out the checkbox in each active notification row.

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