Generate an Aged Fees Report

Module 7 (10/11)

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create and download a report that shows outstanding balances at the member level.

  • Use Cases: Improve the organization's financial health by tracking and following up with members who have outstanding balances that exceed club policies (e.g. more than 90 days).


Go to the side menu and click TRANSACTIONS > AGED FEES. Optionally, accept all default settings or add customizations (e.g. target minimal balance amounts or the number of days outstanding).

After setting filters, CourtReserve auto-generates a table that displays the figures. Click Export Grid to download the data in an .xlsx or PDF). The table shows each member's name, email address, and amount owed for the period.


CLICK HERE to watch the section of Module 7's video that covers the information in this article.

Watch the entire Module 7 video to learn about financials.

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