Manually Generating Membership Billing Cycles

Generate Billing Cycles In Advance

Josh Willey avatar
Written by Josh Willey
Updated this week


  • Feature Summary: Set up paid memberships with different frequency options (e.g. monthly, yearly, etc.). By default, CourtReserve auto-posts a member's membership dues to their account. Optionally, system users can manually generate a billing cycle before it is auto-posted.

  • Use Cases: System users can manually generate membership dues if a member wants to pay future membership dues in advance. This allows system users to post these billing cycles ahead of time.


A player must have a membership with an associated fee.


To start, go to a member's page (MEMBERS > SEARCH) and select the Membership tab. Click the Generate Billing Cycles button.

If a fee is associated with the player's membership plan and the membership does not have a future cancelled date, the page displays a Generate Billing Cycles button.

A popup displays. Click the field to generate one or more billing cycles, and then click Save. CourtReserve posts the membership due(s) onto the member's account. From there, the member can pay this fee from the member portal. Optionally, a system user can process a payment for these membership dues.

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