Enable the Text and Push Add-On

Module 4 (3/6)

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Send text alerts and push notifications to club members, instructors, and staff.

  • Use Cases: Enable this premium add-on to create multiple communication channels. Keep parties informed, share important news, and promote the club.

Module 4 is an six-part quick-start guide highlighting the key steps admins should complete when sending emails, text messages, and push notifications. This article is Part 3.


Know how to create and send email notifications.


One add-on provides text and push notification services. The basic cost is $15 per month. You can send as many push notifications as you want within the add-on's rate.

Text messaging has tiered pricing. The basic $15 monthly rate includes your first 500 segments per month. For each additional block of 500 segments in a month (fully or partially used with no rollovers), there is an additional $5 / month charge. All text segments are priced in arrears (i.e. you pay this month for last month's service).

Here is an example. A club sends 1,202 text alerts in July. The bill for that add-on service would be $25, calculated as follows: $15 for the basic rate and the first 500 text segments, plus $10 for the additional 502 segments (which consists of two fully or partially used blocks of 500 segments).

A segment is a text message that contains up to 160 characters. If a system user sends a text with 300 characters, that alert counts as two segments for the purpose of calculating monthly billing.

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To activate text and push notifications, a system user must enable the premium add-on.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SETTINGS > ADD-ONS > Manage Add-ons.

  3. Expand the folder and check the box for each service.

  4. Click I Agree in the popup.

  5. Click the Setup button.

CourtReserve opens the Notification Preferences Setup page in a new browser tab. This is the same page that system users open to configure email notification settings for players and system users. The Text and Push columns are no longer greyed out, which means the services are active, and the columns are ready for customization.

Customizing Active and Subscribed settings

Click the Player Notifications tab to customize the text and push notification settings. Click the System User Notifications tab and repeat the steps.

Read the Set Up Email Notifications article to learn how to configure the Active and Subscribed columns. That article also describes how players and staff can opt out of notifications.

Uploading a logo

Optionally, a system user can add a logo to the club's push notifications. Click the Push Notifications tab, click the Select file button, and upload an image.

Sending bulk text alerts

Go to the side menu and select MEMBERS > BULK TEXT. A new page displays. Configure recipient filters at the top of the page.

Review the Set Up Email Notifications article to learn how to configure filters and select recipients.

Scroll down to the Select Text Recipients table. Use the checkboxes to select one or more recipients.

Scroll down and add CCs. (optional) Go to the Message field, enter the text, check the blue box, and click Send Bulk Text.

Review the values in the blue box before sending. Check the number of characters and segments. Each segment has a limit of 160 characters. If the text alert exceeds that limit, the number of segments increases, which can impact club billing.

Sending bulk push notifications

Go to the side menu and select MEMBERS > BULK PUSH. A form displays. The Title field is pre-filled.

  1. Add a short description. This text is the second line of the push notification.

  2. Enter message content. Use the toolbar to add formatting, styling, and links.

  3. Click Next to configure recipient settings.

The next page shows a notification preview. Scroll down and configure recipient filters.

Review the Set Up Email Notifications article to learn how to configure filters and select recipients.

Scroll down to the Select Recipients table. Use the checkboxes to select one or more recipients and then click Send.

A push notification displays on the user's device. The user clicks the preview to read the message.

Viewing history

System users can open a log and view text or push history. Click the history green button in the top right corner of the text or push notifications page. The next page shows the text alter or push notification history. Click the View button to read a message.

Configuring user settings

Club members, staff, and instructors can enable or disable text alerts and push notifications on their mobile devices. The first time users open the CourtReserve app, they are asked to enable notifications for CourtReserve. Later, users can change those notification settings.

  • Open the app and go to My Account > Personal Information. Scroll down and tap the toggles to enable or disable text alerts or push notifications.


CLICK HERE to watch the section of Module 4's video that covers the information in this article.

Watch the entire Module 4 video to learn about marketing and promotion.

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