Check the Suppression List

Module 4 (5/6)

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Open a list of customer phone numbers with a reported text delivery failure.

  • Use Cases: Consult the Suppression List when players or staff ask why they are not receiving text alerts from the organization.

Module 4 is an six-part quick-start guide highlighting the key steps admins should complete when sending emails, text messages, and push notifications. This article is Part 5.


Know how to create and send text alerts.


To open the Suppression List:

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click AUDITS > SUPPRESSION LIST. A new page displays.

  3. Use the calendar icons to set a from and to period, or click the Custom field and select an option (e.g. this month).

The table shows phone numbers and the reason for delivery failure.


A common reason for delivery failure is a carrier violation. A carrier fails to send or deliver a text when something in the message violates its guidelines. That carrier could be Twillo (the company that sends CourtReserve text messages) or the customer's mobile phone service provider.

Deleting phone numbers

CourtReserve will not attempt to send a text alert to any phone number on the Suppression List. If you click Delete and remove a number from the list, CourtReserve will try to send the next text alert to that number.

Best practices

System users can minimize delivery failure by following a few best practices when creating text alerts.

  • Avoid using multiple exclamation marks or question marks, sometimes treated as a spam flag.

  • Avoid adding shortened URLs to text alerts.

  • Avoid words like free, win, or guaranteed.


CLICK HERE to watch the section of Module 4's video that covers the information in this article.

Watch the entire Module 4 video to learn about marketing and promotion.

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